Clothing Care Tricks for Everything in Your Closet

Taking proper care of your clotheshas always been a given for most people. We do it because they’re an investment, and we want to be able to wear them for as long as possible. Maintaining and mending the garments that you own is even more important now, what with growing concerns about the detrimental effects of fast fashion and clothing waste on the environment.

Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint and start living more sustainably or simply wish toextend the lifespan of your garments, the tips that we’ve compiled in this article should prove useful. Here’s how to take care of (almost) everything in your closet, from your delicate women’s leggings to your favorite pair of jeans:


Always Wash Your Delicate Items by Hand
Undergarments such as lingerie and bras are usually made with lighter, more delicate fabrics that do not take well to the rough treatment of a regular washing machine cycle. The same goes for nylon stockings, leggings, tights, and swimwear. Laundering these items with the rest of your other clothes can cause them to lose their shape and elasticity.They may even get ripped or torn after rubbing up against other fabrics in the tub.

To prevent damage to your underwear and other delicates, wash them by hand. Use cold water and a mild detergent, and don’t handle them too roughly. Instead of wringing, squeeze any excess water out before laying them flat on a drying rack to air-dry.

Soak Your Swimwear After Every Use
Do you love going to the beach or pool in the summer? Do you often find yourself buying new swimwear because your bikinis don’t look so great by the end of the season? You might be missing a crucial care step. Both saltwater and chlorine can break down the elastics and fibers of your swimsuits, which can cause those visible signs of wear and tear.

Keep your suits looking and feeling like new byrinsing them off in cool tap water as soon as possible after every use. After that, you can hand-wash them just like any other delicate item, with a mild detergent soap or even a dab of shampoo. Allow your swimsuit or bikini to soak in the soapy solution for a few minutes before rinsing well, squeezing out any excess water, and air-drying flat on a rack.


Invest in Good Hangers
Most people typically don’t pay much attention to what their hangers are made of, the most common materials being wire, plastic, and wood. Indeed, there’s a prevalent misconception that you can use any hanger for most types of clothing.

That being said, investing in sturdy wooden hangers can be better for your clothes in the long run. Wire or plastic hangers tend to be flimsy and slippery. They’re also not the best at maintaining the shape of your garments. Over time, wire hangers can start to bend downwards with the weight of whatever you’ve hung on them. Meanwhile, plastic hangers can grow brittle over time.

Neither option is suitable for long-term use, unlike wooden hangers that can last you a lifetime. Wooden hangers are also much better at maintaining the press on your clothes and preventing unsightly creases.

Keep a Stain Remover Pen Handy
The trick to making sure that stains don’t leave a lasting impression on your tops is to lift them as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder they’ll be to remove.

Fortunately, stain remover pens are cheap, portable, readily available, and always good to have in case of a clothing emergency. They’re usually filled with hydrogen peroxide, a chemical compound that dissolves stains at a molecular level, as well as magnesium sulfate, which helps the affected spot dry quicker.

To use, just press the tip of the pen against the stain until a bit of solution comes out. Lift the stain by patting it gently with a cloth until it disappears. Refrain from rubbing the solution into the stain, as it will only push the pigment further into the fabric. In the absence of a stain remover pen, a wet cloth dipped into a drop of dish detergent can work wonders on food or coffee stains.


Wash Less
This tip applies not only to bottoms but to all kinds of outerwear. Washing your clothes too often means subjecting them to harsh chemicals and vigorous movements that can quickly weaken the fabric they’re made out of.

In most cases, you don’t have to immediately wash your clothes, especially if you didn’t sweat in them. If you care about their longevity, you can hang them up instead and wear them again later on.

Jeans are a great example of clothes that you don’t need to wash all that often. In fact, some manufacturers recommend not doing so at all and spot-treating any stains instead. If you do decide to wash them, though, turn them inside-out to protect the color.Make sure that all zips and snaps are fastened to prevent them from catching onto your other clothes and possibly damaging them.

With these tips, your clothes will last longer, giving you more time to enjoy wearing them in your day-to-day life. By extending their lifespan, you also do the planet an enormous service. Try out these clothing care tricks today and see the difference for yourself.

About the author;

This article was written by guest author Ezekiel.