How to wear the waterfall cardigan


Light as a feather are the waterfall cardigans! They are soft, airy and made for stylish layering. Wear your simple white tee and distressed skinny jeans a bohemian vibe with an embroidered waterfall cardigan, statement necklace, and slip on shoes, and you are ready to go.

Update your typical white T-shirt and denim combination and immediately renovate it into a graceful style with a yielding, waterfall cardigan. Add a brownish ankle boots, with on-trend chunk heels, and stylish golden accessories.

Waterfall cardigans are very trendy and in style; they are extremely soft and comfortable. Some of these cardigans have a fitted band on the back for an added flare and shape. It is a Large but can fit an extra Large as well.

In this mixing and matching collection we can see Waterfall cardigan in cream and tan 3/4 sleeves. Lightweight perfect for spring and summer, wear with cut offs or white pants. Waterfall cardigan draped longer in front and Shorter in back.

Create this chic look! The open wrapped waterfall cardigan are really inserts an additional feel to the simplest outfits. Here are some outfit ideas that are so soft, sheer and have that cute waterfall draped look.


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